One of the most impressive accomplishments of the EU is relative freedom of movement among member states. This is known as the Schengen Zone, and it includes a few non-EU countries as well. Within Schengen, US, CA & AU citizens, as well as many others, do not require a tourist visa to enter or travel around. Although […]
Budget Friendly Budapest
Sure London is lovely, Paris is pretty, and Rome is cool, but what about the cities of Eastern Europe? You hardly ever hear Gina from Brooklyn say, “Hey Marty! Me and the kids are going to Prague this Saturday.” No, it’s almost always Rome or Barcelona. People just don’t realize how cool the cities of […]
European Music Festival Guide
European summer festivals are epic. They are arguably the largest, longest, most drug and sex filled, multi-cultural parties in the world. There is so much drinking and fornicating going on that no doubt thousands and thousands of babies are conceived there each year. If this is one of the EU’s population schemes to promote a […]
Top 3 Most Intense European Festivals
Almost every European country has an epic festival each summer. In Norway it’s Slottsfjell, in Polland, Open’er, and in the Netherlands, Pinkpop. While all of them have their attractions, only a few are epic enough to convey a sense of complete freedom from society, life and this world. They are the largest, longest, and most […]