According to Bill Bryson, “The best that can be said for Norwegian television is that it gives you the sensation of a coma without the worry and inconvenience.” While this may have been true in the 1970’s, Norwegian television has definitely improved. Regardless, if you’re thinking about heading to Norway, you probably won’t be spending to much time watching TV. Norway is famous for its majestic fjords, fresh salmon, and beautiful people. Though the price of a beer in Oslo may put you back 15$, the scenic beauty is for free.
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Hey Leif, Norway is definitely an expensive country- but you are right, the beauty is free.
I am travelling to Norway this August and going to be Couchsurfing, camping, and probably hitch-hiking.
How much do you think a three week trip would cost (estimation) if I am hardcore budgeting. I will buy food of course, most likely use transit and unexpected costs.
I have about 7438 kroner saved.
Hey Ty, I think you could get by on 7500 NOK but it’s not going to be easy. You’ll definitely have to sleep rough and dumpster dive.
I spent my summer of 2012 in Norway, it was by far the best time I have had! Although it was my first out of North America experience, I had a blast!!! Did a 19 hour drive from Trondheim down to Haugesund. And then went over to Oslo. Although a bit on the expensive side it was worth every second!
Nice! I love Norway too. If only it was a bit cheaper.
Good idea to add this section about Norway and I’m looking forward to content – the way you so well have done elsewhere on your website.
Fyttigrisen som du har reist rundt i verden, og allerede som 16-åring da! Jeg tror ikke jeg tør vise bloggen din til mine egne barn… :)
Hei, tusent takk! Snart skal jeg lage en ny websiten på Norge. Haha, ok, jeg forstar det. Hvor gammel er barn din?
Man, I always wanted to go to Norway.