On this edition of Runaway Rendezvous, I got the chance to speak with Morgan of Denver, Colorado. Like most 22 year olds fresh out of college, she’s got an enslaving amount of debt. But she’s also got big dreams of running away and traveling the world. She craves perception altering experiences, wants to devour delicious delicacies, […]
Travel Advice From 101 World Travel Experts
Travel could potentially threaten your physical well being or even lead to your demise. You might die in any number of horrific ways on your travels. You could come down with Typhoid fever, you could be on flight 224 that crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, or you could even drown in feces after falling into […]
The Most Beautiful Sunset In The World
There’s something about sunsets that put everything in perspective. You might be stressed out, strung out, or hung over, but the minute that warm glow washes over the world, your troubles don’t seem as troubling. It’s the transience of the moment that reminds us that life is fleeting. That we should focus on what’s important […]
Travel Is Like Life On Crack
The first time you hit travel crack you feel it big time. Euphoria laced with bits of anxiety pulsates through every vein. Time warps and the limit to all the crazy things that can happen in a day expand. The only people around who know what you’re going through are other backpackers and you talk […]
Everyone Thinks I’m Running Away
Everyone thinks I’m running away from life. They tell me I need to go back to school, find a real job and settle down. They say I can’t keep running away forever. I understand where they’re coming from. I really do. And considering I literally ran away from home at 16, I’m not surprised they’re […]
The Best Country For First Time Budget Backpackers
You’re dead set on running away and backpacking the world. You’ve found the courage, you’ve saved up enough money, and maybe your bag is already packed. The only thing left to do now…decide where you’re going to go first. The beauty about this predicament is that you can literally go anywhere you want. On the […]
Runaway Rendezvous with Megan The Motorcycling Mamacita
I first met Megan at the Papaya Lodge in El Tunco, El Salvador. From the moment she walked into the dorm, I couldn’t stop sneaking glances. She had her vintage red helmet in hand, her riding boots on, and a sexy wind blown look on her face. When my curiosity could no longer be contained, […]
How To Convince Your Parents To Let You Run Away & Travel The World
If you want to hit the open road and explore the world but have douche bags for… I mean parents who are very much opposed, this article is for you. Whether you believe that talking to them would be a waste of time or whether you have already argued for hours, convincing your parents to […]
Overcoming Your Travel Anxiety
Traveling is my passion and I can think of nothing more liberating and exciting than hitting the open road. Nothing is fixed and nothing is planned, and everything is in the hands of fate. And so, I guess it is the unknown that really turns me on. At the same time, it is the unknown […]