This photo is of the Nile River from Elephantine Island in Aswan, Egypt. As the Nile navigates north, passing and smoothing out its surroundings, it looks like something out of Egypt land at Disney World. It makes for some exciting exploring and Felucca sailing. Though the waters of the Nile look enticing, when the current is weak, beware of catching bilharzia or snail larve that can penetrate ones skin and lay eggs beneath it. So instead of swimming to the Island, catch a ferry for 17cents.
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wow amazing pic!!
if you dont mind me asking did you ever what to turn around and go home? and did you ever think about leaving home before you did leave?
Gosh i cant belive all the places you have been! When i was younger me and my 2friends tried to run away but we were 6 at the time we lasted two hours before it started to thunderstorm and concidering my house is surounded by milles of forest the closest town was a hour away and all we had to eat was cookies (That were eaten within the first hour) well you get the idea!!!!
Nice shot mate! I hope travels are going well for you these days :)
Cool shot Leif!